| I received an e-mail containing a series of questions that corresponds to a slambook (parang noong nasa grade/high school pa tayo, hehe, nakakatuwa, kaya 'yon sinagutan ko) that I was supposed to answer and mail back to the sender. Well, I did just that and I decided to post it here nga as well, for my own (and your) viewing and enjoyment (na din).
The first three questions were pretty revealing, and well, I'm not including them in order to remain anonymous (yeah right, haha). Hope you understand. Hehe.
So, let's commence:
4. Fav. Movie Many--I love action, horror and funny flicks; occasional drama is good too! There are so many good movies out there, but here's a list of the can think of at the moment that are my favorites or those I wouldn't mind watching twice (probably already have) or more: Troy, Gladiator, Lord of the rings, The Bourne Supremacy, Pirates of the Caribbean, Incredible Hulk, Hellboy, Xmen, Rockstar, Sid Vicious, Lords of Dogtown, Robots, Antz, Mars Attacks, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey & the Excellent Adventure, I-spy. Austin Powers, Doom, Tales from the crypt "Demon Knight", Demons, Dawn of the living dead, Evil dead 1-2 (haha, it was comical, it made me laugh!) Van helsing (Besides action...I love horror flicks as well! Hehe.) Wayne's World 1-2, E.T., Shrek, Team America (World police), The incredibles. & on drama - Tears of the sun, Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, Artificial Intelligence, The Perfect Storm, Somewhere in time, Ghost, Titanic, Diary of a mad black woman, War of the Roses, The Graduate, White Squall, and Gone with the wind (senti minsan eh, hehe.) and Clint Eastwood's movies, as well... si idol eh! 
5. Fav. Songs (A) Music-all time Favorite Artists/Bands (B) (A) My favorite songs at the moment are "Champagne Supernova" and "Wonderwall" by Oasis. *Also, the song "The things that I remember are the things I did with you" by Ernie and Bert of Sesame Street! Haha, it's so cute...it surely does remind me of all my childhood friends. (B) Some Mellow, Alternative, Rock --U2, The Smiths, The Clash, Twisted Sisters, Deep Purple, Skid Row, Poison, Nirvana, Warrant, Ramones, REM, Pink Floyd and more. 6. What hobbies do you have? Engaging in some Sweet Reverie, Read (and collect books), Art, Poetry, Prose, Sing a little, Dance a little, Music/Writing songs and short stories. And hey...let's not forget dining and hanging out with my closest friends! 
7. Describe yourself. I'm all right--not a bad looking entity or species (hehe) and a pretty nice person, I think--specially when unconscious. 
8. Lines about me. What lines, you mean these lines ________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________? (I'm confused @ this one; is it to add or say more things about me? Jeeze, I think we don't need this one answered, with all the questions in this entry, I think I've given enough info about me, so let's skip this one. Hehe.)
9. Some positive points in you. Compassionate, friendly, caring and loving.
10. Some negative points in you. An occasional grouch...an occasional grouch...AN OCCASSIONAL GROUCH!!! Grrrrr. Hehe 
11. What else do you do in your free time? Read and ponder about various things, randomly.
12. Your plan in life is to.... Live in harmony and conform with the natural flow of life.
13. The best thing about you. I always try to be a better person everyday...and I tend to look at the glass half-full rather than half-empty.
14. What sports or recreation do you do? I like watching basketball; play racketball, badminton and volleyball.
15. First Crush.... Ha ha, secret.
16. Biggest Crush.... Ha ha ha--that's another secret...except only bigger!
17. Define Love and Friendship? True Love is a commitment--it's enduring.... A great nurturing friendship is what makes it easier to balance everything and all, in life.
18. If you could fly anywhere in the world, where would you go? Can I go to the moon, or will that be considered not part of the world? OK, Australia and Spain, then.
19. Have you ever told someone you loved them but not really meant it? No.
19. Have you ever told someone you hated them but not really meant it? Yes--I was at the end of my rope...didn't really mean it, because I really don't hate.
20. Suggest a website for me to go to. There are many websites to suggest, I'll go over this later.
21. Suggest a TV show for me to watch. I'll list all my favorite shows and those shows I don't mind watching on TV!: Rockstar:INXS, Southpark, Seinfeld (the show about nothing. lol), Chappelle's Show, Girlfriends, Martin, Living color, Saturday Night Live, that 70's show, friends, living single, CSI, Cold Case, Killer Instinct, Without a trace, Bones, Dr. House, Malcolm in the middle, Smallville, Supernatural, Poltergeist (the series), Unexplained Mysteries, nick at nite's I love Lucy, I dream of Genie, Bewitched, Munsters, 227, Good times, Sanford and son, All in the family, and pretty much anything on Scifi. discovery, courtTV channels and Lifetime for women. Oh also, Late show with David Letterman, King of Queens & Will and Grace. (& here's to include the shows my little forced me to watch and ended up liking in the end like--Dragon Ball Z/GT, Inuyasha, Yu-gi-oh, Pokemom, Cardcaptor, Beyblade, Digimon, etc., it keeps me young at heart... ) Tagalog (Philippine shows) Maalaala mo kaya, SOCO, My song, Nginig & Panday. 22. Describe your most embarassing experience. Oh, it'll only embarrass me (again), so forget it. Ha ha!
23. Have you ever skipped school without permission (played video games, etc)? Yes, I have. LOL!
24. Describe your most memorable experience. I'll never forget the day when I first became a parent....--This child completes me, as if it was my first step towards womanhood... ...and I'll never forget the day I fell in love for the first time...it was one of a kind, truly mesmerizing experience....
25. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? Wasn't sure...but definitely, to be someone who helps out others, whatever that may be.
26. If you could instantly change one aspect of your personality, what would it be? My being so introvert turned into being quite assertive but not so being extrovert though.
27.Describe what you feel like waking up on Monday morning. Optimistic.
28. Where do you like to go on dates? Places where bounteouness of nature's beauty are observed.
29. Who do you think should pay for a date? It makes no difference to me; whoever has the money or who offers to...it's all good.
30. If you could go back in time and change something(s), what would it (they) be, and what would you change? Years before my grandmother's untimely demise, to be able to prevent that dreadful event from happening. And a few more things....
31. Describe what it feels like to be in love. Words cannot adequately convey the very feeling of ecstasy in love. The extremity of such rapturous emotional elation is far beyond saying "excellent to the very meaning of the word...." Because "In all sense of passion, it is, perhaps, the most slendid, priceless gift (besides bearing a child) of a 'glorious heavenly experience' here on earth...presented to us by the Lord above, so devine."
32. Give me one good reason to love you. I have no reason to give (am not selling myself, am I? (hehe); what you see is what you get--take it or leave it! 
33. Who would you most like to talk to? My very bestfriend.
34. What inspires you? Life itself....
35. Describe in one word, LIFE is ............. A challenge--life cycle is filled of trials and experiences for spiritual, love and emotional growth.
36. Favourite Colour? And why? Blue (the colour of the heavens/sky above and the ocean)--it symbolizes tranquility, hope, sincerity, cleanliness, contentment, trust and spirituality....
36. If your life was to be filmed, which actress would you want to play you? If this question was asked three years ago, I'd say "Angelina Jolie," but today I'll have to say "Charlize Theron." I love her simplicity, and her beauty! (Not that I am pretty, haha, but I'd still like her to play me, hehe).
37. What do you look for in people (for friends)? I dig kindhearted, honest, down-to-earth (genuinely modest), respectful and considerate peeps. Those who love animals & children. Also those friendly individuals with good manners and great sense of humor! And last but not least, those who share my aesthetic interests. 
38. Fav. Books? Fire in the soul, Das Energi, Embraced by the light, Your erroneous zones, Men are from Mars...Women are from Venus, Bridges of the Madison County, and For girls
39. Fav. Quotes? The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse. -- Helen Keller
The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. -- M. SCOTT PECK You cannot teach anyone anything. You can only help them to discover it within themselves." -- Galileo "To Err is human, to forgive is devine" -- Alexander Pope.
When people shake their heads because we are living in a restless age, ask them how they would like to live in stationary and do without change. -- George Bernard Shaw
Live all you can...the right time is any time.... -- Henry James
...and I don't believe in everything I see; you know I'm blind so why do you disagree? -- Oasis Long blog na naman, haha, sorry ha? Hehe, til next time. Ciao for now!  Muahhugzzz . |